What I'm Doing About the Corona Virus (My Spiritual and Energetic Strategy)

A LOT is happening in our world, isn't it?

Seems like the entire world is shutting down - conferences, schools, whole countries - shutting down in reaction to this virus that seems to have invaded our species.

My first reaction with all the traveling I did in the past few months was FEAR.
Fear every time someone coughed near me.
Fear of catching the virus and then bringing it home to my kids.
Fear of my parents coming down with it.
Fear of DEATH.

And then after sitting with it, knowing it was all on purpose and happening for me, I got to use the experience to process the fear I had inside that had been there all along.

Because the truth is - this virus is also part of the Universe. It is a part of nature - a a part of us. It is also something we are on some level co-creating to move us all forward globally in our evolution and shifting of our collective consciousness.

And the fear we feel is a reason why we are co-creating this reality in the first place.
Fear holds us down, it holds us back.
Fear lowers our vibration, it is an illusion of disconnection or separateness from the whole Universe.  
Fear is us forgetting that we are not in the Universe, we ARE the Universe, that we are not only connected to all but we are ONE with all.
Fear is us believing we are separate human beings, with only our flesh and strength to rely on.
It is us forgetting we have the WHOLE UNIVERSE to rely on - infinite intelligence, wisdom, power, energy, CREATION.

We are not victims, we are Creators.

And so this virus is an opportunity - because as you know, there are no mistakes in the Universe. And all challenges, blocks, obstacles are opportunities in disguise. And I am saying this with the utmost compassion and love for those who have already been adversely affected and will be affected by this - because based on the projection - we will all be affected in some way.

And so we can remain in fear. Let it lower our vibration where we become a vibrational match for the virus, thus becoming a susceptible host.


We can use this opportunity to alchemize our fear, come back to wholeness and remembrance.

There is a deep knowing within me that believes that the Earth is cleaning house.
There have been many spiritual masters and prophets who have been talking about the age we are in as a transition.
The Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age
3D to 5D

The world and the Earth shifting consciousness for a massive evolution. My spiritual mentor has been telling me for the past 2 years that this would be happening in 2020. Astrologists and historians have stated that we are in a transition from one 4000 year cycle to another 4000 cycle, where we are moving from the masculine to feminine intelligence. Where we are moving into simultaneous cycles of collective shifts into compassion and oneness.

Similar to the way our body reorganizes itself from and with disease in order to shift it's own consciousness, I believe the Earth is like our greater body. It is not a surprise to me after seeing all of the ecological and geological disruptions we have been experiencing. There was only a matter of time that Life would reorganize itself after being destroyed and desecrated for so many decades.

And so, this is how I am relating to this virus:

1.       I am meditating every day - keeping my vibration high, staying connected to Source and nature, staying connected with the natural flow of the Universe. It’s imperative to stay centered, to be the change we wish to see in the world. Stay connected to your values, to who you’re committed to being. These events tend to bring out the survival and primal side of us.

2.      I am practicing self care, slowing down. We are still technically in the Winter season where slowing down and stillness are part of the natural rhythm. By slowing down, creating space, we let Life breathe and live through us. Life will tell you what to do, how to stay safe, where to move. Be still. Pay attention.

3.      I am not holding back on love. I don't know how this is going to affect those I love and so now is not the time to have grudges and limits. For me, it's about making sure I squeeze the hell out of every moment, interaction and making sure the people around me know how much I love them.

4.      I am sending love to the virus (I know it sounds crazy, but just hear me out). The virus is just a part of nature. It is information, energy. It is not here intentionally hurting us, it only knows unconditional love, and it replicates, and lives without knowing anything else. What I know is that I've been able to create miracles in my life by loving what I fear, by shifting how I feel about the creation. 

A great tool to use here is the H'opoponopono - I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You and I Love You.

5.      I am working on seeing the gift of all of this. That if this is happening, it must be necessary for our evolution. Maybe the virus contains energy and information the world needs to shift us out of where we are? Maybe because the virus is affecting the ENTIRE world, we will finally see we are ONE race, one humanity? Maybe this will bring you closer to your loved ones, force you to rest, slow down and connect?

This is how I see the world.  It brings me peace. And when I AM Peace, I can hold Peace for others. I hope this brings you some peace in these uncertain times.

- M