Thank you for registering for the Global Activation Circle!
We believe in sacred Creation.
We believe we create with our gaze, with our presence, with our hearts.
Peace is first found within.
We will gather with the intention of standing for peace and unity.
Everything is first created in the field of pure potentiality.
We will gather with the intention of accessing this field, self-calibrating to the frequency of peace through art, music and ritual and in unity with the collective.
We will release and forgive anything that is standing in the way of peace.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Here are the details of the event: Saturday, November 11 at 11:00AM EST
Opening candle/container setting ritual and meditation
Spoken word and song by various artists inspiring peace
Peace ritual
Participants may share words, poetry, song
Closing Prayer for Peace
Materials for the Circle:
If you would like to participate in the container setting, please bring a candle to light
If you would like to participate in the peace ritual, please bring the following materials:
A bowl with Earth (dirt) from your land with something to stir the contents of the bowl
Salt (preferably sea salt or Himalayan salt)
We will be using the Ho'oponopono mantra for the peace ritual:
I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you
Link for the Circle
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 890 0964 3330
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Meeting ID: 890 0964 3330
Livestreamed via YouTube
Sharing and Participation
If you would like to participate in sharing words with the circle, you may bring a poem to read, a song to sing, words to share. Please note that we will not be discussing any of the narratives surrounding the current situation in the Middle East. Please respect the space, the field we will be creating together, and share words of peace, love, unity and hope.
Let us be the change we wish to see in the world.
As one.
Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions you may have.
Thank you,
We are the ones we have been waiting for.