Develop your self-awareness, your mindfulness skills, and meditation practice with this 30 structured journey.
You’ll receive 30 days worth of daily videos, meditations, mantras, journaling exercises and spiritual lessons for making daily mental shifts, which lead to huge impact.
Includes topics such as forgiveness, compassion, spirituality in relationships, energetic laws and quantum physics, making a global impact through spirituality, seeing yourself as the universe, emotional awareness, and learning to be the observer of your reality, and much much more!
This is a great starting point if you are looking to develop a discipline, deepen your sense of self, learn new habits and gain a new perspective about your life and the world.
Benefits of Self-Awareness are:
Less reaction to emotional triggers so you can see the choice in front of you
More access to creativity and solutions
The experience of being the silent observer which allows for the feeling of being centered despite the chaos of the outside world
The starting point in disrupting your limiting beliefs and habitual patterns