Awaken your aliveness, liberate yourself from your own limits and unleash the power of your Expression.

Indulge me for a moment, and let's embark on a journey together…

It’s 90 days from today…

You’re looking back on the way the last 3 months unfolded and you are in AWE of what happened.

Of what you were able to do.

Of how you showed up.

Of all the edges you crossed, of the leaps you leapt, of the risks you took.

You’re standing a little taller, radiating an unmistakable energy of freedom and liberation.

As you look into the mirror, you behold a body that feels lighter, more agile, and unfettered by the constraints that once held you back.

Each step you take is filled with grace and purpose, reminding you of the powerful transformation you have undergone.

You are deeply connected to your soul, experiencing a profound sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

You are in AWE of the magic and miracles that unveiled for you and the women in the sacred container you poured yourself into.

You left it all on the dance floor, and took a bite out of the juicy peach of life…

You got vulnerable.

You saw yourself in a whole new light.

You shut off the parking brake and went ALL IN.

Leaned into what once made you blush, what once made you cringe.

And the best part about it?

You woke up to your own ALIVENESS.

What once stopped you before - your rules, your self-imposed limits, the should’s and have to’s?

The - that’s not me’s or the - I don’t let myself do that’s.


You’re living from a whole new place now.

One where you’re on the other side of Who gives an EFF??

It’s like your life went from black and white to COLOR.

And you’ve got a whole new swagger and confidence about you.

It’s like you’re no longer making decisions from comfort, you are making decisions from - how can I stand out even more?

…and NOW you’re asking, “How can I shine my light EVEN MORE?”

This DOESN’T have to be a fantasy.

This CAN BE how you truly live your life.

Because you ONLY get one precious life.



A 90 day retreat program to break you open and liberate your aliveness.

Over the course of 90 days you will experience…

1 expression ALCHEMY Retreat(11/30-12/3)

Think: Get soul naked with your soul sisters and watch yourself quantum leap your evolution.

Get ready to dive in head first into a safe and potent catalyzing space of alchemical healing, FULL expression and liberation.

Get ready to shed, to let go, to release, transmute, transform - and reveal what is waiting to be freed. 🔥

The retreat will be a mix of learning, sharing, and unbecoming together, while using the vehicles of play, creative expression, and energetics to undo eons of conditioning.

4 QUANTUM LEAP Sessions (60 min, 1x/week)

Starting October 1st these weekly sessions will be held via Zoom and will a juicy journey of peeling away the layers that are calloused over your fire and over your heart.

It will be a mix of learning, of artistry and expression, of experiential soul naked activities, and some group hot-seat coaching.

If you can’t make the Quantum Leap Session live, it will be recorded for you to access.

A PRIVATE catalyst CHAT for connection + celebrationS + expressions to leap you forward in between sessions…

Believe me when I tell you that a lot of the magic happens in this chat.

As we begin our journey together, a collective field is created that is potent and catalyzing.

The idea is to share, to hold space, to celebrate your victories, to be witnessed and seen with love and non-judgment.

I will not personally be responding to every post, however I will keep a pulse on what is happening in the community and based on this will be sharing lives and dropping in from time to time to respond and share input and wisdom for you to keep moving forward.



* Payment Plans are available

Give back

10% of every dollar paid into the Expression Alchemy Retreat program goes to a 501c3 nonprofit that educates, empowers and engages foster youth using creative expression and arts/music-based healing.

If you’re ready to liberate your feminine, sensual, creative Self… THIS is for YOU…

If you’re ready to free your vibrant aliveness and fall back in love with your own humanity… THIS is for YOU..

If you’re done with the dimming BS, dull and stagnant - Ok kinda life… THIS is for YOU..

If you’re done obsessing over the past because you know and I know its holding you back - THIS IS FOR YOU…

If you’re just finding yourself again after being in a relationship and now you’re like who the F am I? This is for YOU…

If you’re a new mom and you’re like who the F am I now? Or maybe your children have left the nest… or maybe you are a mom with kids and you KNOW YOU’RE MORE THAN THAT but can’t tap in to anything beyond it… This is for YOU.

If you’re ready to let go of the good girl, and all the people pleasing you’ve been doing, and you’re FINALLY READY to UNLEASH the WOMAN within you… This is for YOU.

If you’ve lost your mojo, life feels bland and just meh, you’re disconnected, and all you have to look forward to is binge watching old episodes of GOT… This is for YOU.

If you’re finally done with numbing yourself (gotta be honest here), with falling asleep to the wheel of your life, with needing to control every damn thing, with playing it safe and gripping onto comfort… THIS IS FOR YOU.

⭐ How to undo your own conditioning. This is a KEY part of breaking free. There are rules that have been created by society, by culture, by your upbringing, by YOU that have been stifling and suffocating the REAL YOU. It’s time to break free from this. Much of our work will be working through this - but don’t worry, you’ll have fun doing it.

⭐ How to feel and just be. We are here to FEEL. We have been conditioned to numb, to ignore, to look outside of ourselves for information. Our feelings tell us what we need, what we don’t need, what we desire. There are also an important piece to manifestation.

⭐ How to tune into yourself, tap into your own field. What are you allowing to live in your field? What are you hosting and broadcasting into the world? If you can’t answer these questions - this program is for you.

How to TRULY manifest and create your own Heaven on Earth. Because the way you create is through expression. Expression IS manifestation. Emotions are energy in motion and the magnets of manifestation. So the more you release, you higher frequencies you express, the more you’ll live from the higher octaves. That’s Heaven on Earth frequency baby! Count. me. in!!

⭐ Frequency first. It all starts here. Energy predetermines the 3D world we live in. Give it a few months in this program and you’ll see how you’ll start to see life from this lens. Makes reality crafting so much more effective because now you know the rules of the game. You’re welcome ❤️

⭐ Face fear and be your authentic self. We’ve got this one life and I’ll tell you with every ounce of my being, we are not meant to just play small and play it safe. Now you’ll have a sisterhood cheering you on as you make your life an adventure.

⭐ Tap into your own Creatrix, your womb, your sexual energy. This is the place of all creative potential. This is a cosmic portal that is unfortunately devalued in our current culture. We’re here to honor her and all her glory!

⭐ Stop judging and be more curious. Judgment is a killer of creativity and joy. You will learn how to witness, how to observe, and use curiosity - this is a HUGE skill that will impact your entire life.

⭐ You’ll not only learn how to express, you’ll learn how to receive expression. Ever hear someone say something that triggers the hell out of you and it causes you to shut down? Or see another woman wear something or act in a certain way that makes you feel uncomfortable? You’ll learn how to receive this type of expression without losing your center.

⭐ Stop thinking so damn much. I used to be a thought addict. You’ll learn how to build the skill of emptiness and presence and transition into an intentional thinker. Sure you’ll have days where you still think obsessively because Life will trigger this for you to keep building and evolving, but you’ll know how to navigate it in a much more healthier way.

⭐ Show up with confidence even if you’ve been challenged to sing in front of the group and you don’t know how to hit the notes, but you do it anyway because you know that showing up in this way is medicine for all.

Of course the first few times we do this you’ll cringe and it will be scary and hard, but you’ll soon see that the person you are on the other side of this will have a WHOLE NEW SOUL SWAGGER. 🔥

⭐ Give yourself permission to be sensual and sexy so that you are not only sensitized to the beauty of life, but so that when you walk into the room you’re a WHOLE VIBE. Let’s be clear, this is not about wearing short skirts or high heels or hopping on poles… If you wanna do this - more power to you Queen.

This is about emanating the FREQUENCY. It’s a WHOLE other world.

⭐ Show up as the Queen that you are because you are a Queen, naturally. There just be times when you show up as your little girl, and we do not want the little girl running the show. You’ll learn how to tend to her and then call the Queen to show up and drive.

I have this POWERFUL guided meditation that will change the relationship you have to your inner-little girl FOREVER.

⭐ Break through the stagnation and dullness and what makes you comfortable and start REALLY living. Because WTF are we doing here anyway? Like why else would we be here?

🧐 Honesty Checkpoint: If you were on your deathbed, and you only had a few breaths left and you looked back at your life… Did you put it ALL on the dance floor? Did you go ALL in? Did you squeeze the juice from the juicy watermelon of life?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, then WTF are you waiting for?

⭐ Start seeing your body and your life as SACRED and stop mindlessly consuming - food, things, alcohol, people, tech - it’s TIME to see what your body really is- a miracle.

⭐ How to develop and use your VOICE whether it be to stand up for yourself, to sing yourself alive, to speak on stages, to communicate with kindness and compassion, to start speaking to yourself with love… your voice, the throat chakra is a powerful portal.

…and it is connected to your Yoni.. yep.. more on that in the circle. 🌹

That living your life from this place of soul dripping authenticity is SERVICE TO ALL OF HUMANITY. THIS is what the world needs. We don’t need another Netflix binge watcher or another person who just lives their life just so they can pay their bills. Think about the FREQUENCIES the world deeply needs for the ultimate joy and happiness of the world? THIS is what you get to vibrate by YOU living it!

Once I realized this, I dropped the guilt, and I made it my Mother Effing job to live life from JOY and let my SOUL LEAD the way!

Experience the power of Expression Alchemy - healing wounds through expression and turning them into GOLD. We do this in different ways - 2 ways we do it are through voice frequency - speaking, singing, performance, screaming, story-telling, through womb frequency - poetry, writing, creativity, artistry, fashion, movement, and dance. You will experience more than one way - and NO you don’t have to be an artist, a creative, a professional - the whole point is not to create something for the sake of getting paid for it - it is FOR healing.

It is the process itself that heals.

It is the vulnerability in sharing in front of your sisters that heals.

It is the alchemizing the wound through expressing it in different mediums that heals.

It is leaning into the emotion, feeling it ALL the way through, then the expression of the emotion that HEALS.

I joined Monica because I was feeling stuck and unfulfilled in my life and business.
She helped me discover my inner power and shed light on endless possibilities, where I was able to create a path flourishing in life and business. Monica is an incredibly compassionate teacher who gently guides the way to self-discovery and fulfillment. I found the experience magical and would recommend Monica to anyone looking for a deeper connected and fulfilled life.
— Sirena A

You are Source, Divine Creative potential expressing itself through you.

It’s time to live life from cup runneth over.

Retreat Schedule

Thursday November 30th

5pm-9pm EST

Friday December 1st

10am-7pm EST

Saturday December 2nd

9am-9pm EST

Sunday December 3rd

9am-12 pm EST

* Check-out is by 2pm EST

** The Expression Alchemy Retreat is a meant to be a complete journey. Please avoid signifcantly late arrivals or early departures and let us know in advance if you are unable to make the entire retreat.

  • What does the investment include? Everything is included but airfare and transportation! Retreat lodging, daily meals (see below) and all activities as well as 12 group coaching sessions leading up to the retreat, and a private chat.

  • What do the meals consist of? Light refreshments will be served Thursday evening. Light breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served Friday & Saturday. Light breakfast only on Sunday before we end our time together. There will also be refreshments served throughout the day.

  • What if I’m local and I don’t want to stay at the retreat house? Is the fee the same? No, the fee will be $1,500 for those who will be staying offsite. Please contact me if you are interested in the retreat and want to stay offside. You can email me at:

  • What rooms are available? There are both private rooms and shared rooms. All room reservations are first come, first serve.

  • What is the location of the retreat? The retreat home will be in the area of Indian River County, FL.

  • Will there be any down time? Yes there will be plenty of time to integrate, connect, and reflect.

  • Do I have to be a speaker, artist, creative person? HELL NO, if you aren’t any of those, this is DEFINITELY for you. This is program is for those who feel the desire to feel more alive in their life and are open and willing to utilize the vehicle of creativity and expression as a means of healing and to experience aliveness so that it pours and permeates into every ounce of their life.

  • Will I have to sing or perform? There is never a requirement to do anything. However, you may get challenged to do a number of activities that push your edge that may involve singing or performing and it will be up to YOU to make the empowered choice to either decline or see the value in it and show up for yourself.

  • Is this a replacement for therapy? No, please always contact your medical practitioner and/or therapist if you need support with a mental illness. This is a coaching program and will never be a replacement for therapy.

  • What does it feel like to work virtually? Consciousness transmits beyond space and time. I can feel you, feel your field, and I can work intuitively even though we are meeting long distance and via the internet. I know, magical isn’t it?

  • Is there a money back guarantee? There will be no refunds. In the event you have to cancel, you will receive a credit for an upcoming retreat or program.

  • What days/times are the sessions? We will choose the schedule based on the participants via a doodle poll app (or something similar) so we can try to get the best possible days and times of the week. *We will be choosing this based on majority, there is not a guarantee that we will be able to accommodate everyone.

  • How many people in the program? The cap is 10 people.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t guarantee or warrant results.

Monica’s skills learned in law have amplified her already incredible listening ability! I always feel heard, seen, and listened to on a deep level in her presence. She observes and hears nuggets in one’s speaking that contain hidden insights and sees inconsistencies where blindspots and massive opportunities lie. I feel blessed to be observed and challenged by be a witness on the stand of awesomeness and growth.
— Meghan Kuhn, Badass, Rockstar Mama and Founder of

What makes me a worthy guide to helping you break through to your Creatrix-lived life of full expression and juicy aliveness?

I am so happy you asked…

  1. I have reinvented myself many times over. In the career and education-side of things… I am an attorney (still licensed tho - holla!), former partner and owner of a multi-million dollar law firm, where I co-managed 40 women (oh yea it was an all-women law firm), while also giving birth to my daughter (I am a mama of 2). I woke up from my own trances to find out I no longer wanted to live a life I was told to live.. so I reinvented and reinvented and refined until I found my Divine, Queen, sensual sexy self, and I have connecting to my Creatrix to thank for it.

  2. I am a certified Psychosynthesis Transpersonal Coach. This is a fancy way of saying, I specialize in inner to outer transformation. I am also a certified Kundalini Yogi, the Yoga of Awareness, Expression and Skakti aka your Creative Potential. I am a TEDx speaker alumni, and I have a successful speaking business where I’ve spoken for companies like Amazon, Gucci, And did I mention, I am also on track to be an ordained Priestess (TBC November 2023) - a tough and beautiful part of my life.

  3. I am an Improv alumni, I devoted a whole year going through Levels 1-4 of Improv at Just the Funny Improv in Miami where I have performed many many times.

  4. I live my life this way. I am a competitive swimmer, won 2nd in the Y-National Championship after swimming for only 7 months (came back from a 20+ hiatus after swimming D1 and D3 collegiate). I sing, I create art, I am a spoken word artist and I get paid to create these beautiful potent pieces and experiences and perform them on stages. A year ago I moved out of Miami to this beautiful little revolutionary farm town in Central FL, created a farm with my husband and 2 kids where we grow our own food, and homeschool our children. I have a strong unF**CKABLE with spiritual practice, and I devote myself to living life from my fullest glory.

Over the 8 years of coaching and speaking and holding space for others in programs and retreats… I’ve noticed one thing…

The people that had the best results were the ones who SHOWED UP and committed 100%.

They went ALL IN, did every exercise, every challenge, they shared even when it was scary and showed up for others.

They resonated with me and my essence.

They felt the future version of them calling them forward, and knew I was the guide to get them there.

If this is you, it would be my ABSOLUTE HONOR to help you get there.